Configuring powersagitar/



    Page succeeded by project wiki.

    This is the configuration guide for powersagitar/

    To learn more about the project, please visit its repository hosted on GitHub.

    Creating a Notion Integration

    The site relies on a Notion integration to fetch data.

    To create one:

    Image from NotionImage from Notion
    Image from Notion
    Image from Notion

    Setting Up the Blog Database

    Create a Notion database with the following properties:


    The property names are case-sensitive.

    Image from Notion

    Install the integration you just created to the database.

    Please see Add connections to pages.

    Configuring the Site

    All configurations are in files under /config .



    Please remove the existing customPages from /config/notion.ts if you don’t intend to keep them.



    Please see this site to generate a favicon. Additional guidance is provided there.

    Suggest an Edit

    Please contact @powersagitar.